Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh my, summer is going by so fast...

Hi Guys,
Its been quite a while since I posted so here come some things we have been doing......

Some fun goofing around on Canada Day waiting for 54-40 to start their concert Summer is so sadly just not the same. Everything we do we are missing Sebastian as he enjoyed summer activities so much.
Visiting the goats in Coombs, on the IslandWe went to visit friends in Kelowna and enjoyed our time with friends, beaches and water in general and just the time away.

Some pool Volleyball watching the sun go down in KelownaEnjoying some time on the beach
They went for a long bike ride around ....
Some slipping and sliding on a hot and sunny day
Isabelle's little dance class performed their dances the the showboat stage in Kitsilino, they did great and had so much fun
before their performance we went swimming at the pool in Kits, they had such a fun dayShe Loves to paint and had to do it on the wall just like daddy did!!