Well Stel is really enjoying is triathlon training. This past weekend he was out for another run training session. These sessions are great as they are doing the trail he will be on for the race so its great practice. He has had some bike technical difficulties so he is shopping around for what will work better for him on this rough terrain. Thank you so very much all who have sponsored him, it is going to such a great cause.
We have gotten in some visits with my brother and his family who are visiting from Japan. It s great to see them all and spend some time with his girls. They are absolutely adorable. Here they are at the Tsawwassen Sun Festival parade.
Baby I is really enjoying some girl time with them and wanders our house saying their names over and over. The kids enjoyed the festivities after the parade. B and Stel had loads of fun in Sumo suits
We also were fortunate to have spent some hours with my
Baby I's favorite saying right now are: stuck (usually with a bit of a scream), no (which she says a lot!), up you go (every time she falls, which is a lot) and there you go. She seems to have gotten a bit wobblier on her legs but is sure doesn't slow her down, just more scraped up knees!
We spent some time on Granville Island yesterday the kids and I. We had had an appointment at children's but when we got there they had to cancel so we enjoyed ourselves much more than if we were stuck indoors. The summer is going by so fast. The kids are all
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