Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hi, here we are again....
We will be trying to paint the house possibly thursday and/or friday morning (or saturday if we need too) and picking up the moving truck friday mid-day to move back into the house. So if anyone is bored and wants to drop by.......

S is doing quite well considering he cannot really move or do all that much. Baby I was so happy to finally be able to be on the bed with S here in the picture she is giving him lots of kisses.

We are staying at our very awsome friends right now, their home of six is now a huge home of 11!!! We have had our fun.... Suzanne and I ventured into the toilet with an Auger to try fishing a flushed fisher price little person through to the sewer! Thanks guys its very much appreciated - I don't go and get Augers for just anyone!

B went to the first Canucks vs Dallas hockey game, he had a great time!!! Way to go Canucks for moving on to the next round --- Hooray

Baby I during her EEG. She looks like such a big girl sitting there!! She did such a great job, even fell asleep when she was supposed too.

We had a long 9 hour wait while S was in surgery. Amusing her was not always the easiest, but she did enjoy listening to her music!! She had lots of fun wandering around and buying a balloon

Well thats about all i've got right now, cheers

Monday, April 16, 2007

S is doing quite well. We are hoping to get out of hospital Thursday now so that will be nice.

He is no longer able to eat due to some complications ofremoving a device from his chest. The wires were attached around an artery, the vagus nerve and to the vocal cord and the vocal cord is now not working on one side. we are hoping this is not permanent, but for now and the next many months for certain he will be on his feeding pump, poor guy . Stel and I went searching through the storage unit looking for his feeding pump and found it!!! We were feeling very good about ourselves for it felt like looking for a needle in a haystack. Sadly, it is not working properly, apparently from lack of use so I had to send it out for repair, sure hope that it is an easy fix and not incredibly expensive. I guess the good thing is we figured this out before we were out of hospital and desperate!!

We are all a bit tired, but it looks like the roofers should be putting a new roof on the house this week, keep your fingers crossed. Once they are done the inside guys can begin. We are so glad there are plans for repairing, but it sure has taken a lot out of all of us.

B and Baby I are doing very well, but I think they will be doing much better once we get out of hospital and have some space and freedom again. B loves school here but gets bored in the afternoons and Baby I wants to visit the nurses whenever possible!!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

S had a pretty good day today. He is having some problems with some antibiotics so hopefully that will resolve quickly. He has to go back into the OR saturday, but that should be quick and done within an hour.

B really enjoys going to school here at the hospital, they really challenge him so he's sure been happy with school, but he was bored this afternoon so we'll have to get him outa here and having some fun over the weekend!!

Baby I loves the attention from all the nurses, especially when they take her out and around!!

Canucks lost tonight in game 2 of the playoff's, sure hope they are back and ready to play for sunday's game.

We think we may be able to leave tuesday, yipee, still working on where we will be headng though. Our house should be getting a new roof this week coming up , then the contractor should be able to get in and repair the ceiling everywhere. We are praying this will happen early in the week so we can get in the house soon. its been a long time!!

Hope all is well with you

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hi Again,

S has had a pretty good day today!! He has been awake and rather smiley - some smiles are from withdrawl from morphines but hey he is smiling.

Not sure when we might be heading out of here yet but its great that he is now awake!

Stel and B went to the first playoff Canucks game. They had a great time, can';t believe it went into 4 overtimes though!! they didn't get back to the hospital till after 1:30 am - they were both very tired happy guys today!!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Birthday S

S is 10 today, wow I just can't believe 10 years old!
And another birthday spent in the hospital.

S is fighting to recover from his surgeries as well as heal from the pnemonia, so again today he didn't really wake up. we did see him open his eyes 2 times for maybe a couple minutes, but nothing was really registering. His breathing was not as laboured today so that is good. Another anti-biotic was added and we are hoping it works wonders for him.

Cheers from BC Childrens

Monday, April 09, 2007

Well Hi

Further to yesterday's bad day the night just got worse!

S needed another blood transfusion and now also has pnemonia. Sadly recovery is again tough for him, but on he fights!!!

Happy Easter Monday

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter To All.

S had his surgery this past Wednesday. All seems to have gone well - He has had pain issues and today the epidural has been turned off so today is rough. He now also has a fever so we are just hoping for no infection!!!! Poor guy, its tough right now - but he is a fighter.

We are all tired, but Baby I and B are doing very well considering.
No news on our house problems but we are still hoping.

Well S will be turning another year older in the hospital again this year!!! He will be 10 on Tuesday, I can't believe he is going to be TEN!!

Happy Easter