Friday, September 01, 2006

Time is flying by... we are leaving next friday for California - yahoo
It was a busy week and so will next week be with appointments then none for the rest of September!!!
Baby I saw orthopedics again as well as the orthotist, she has tiny little feet but she is being casted and splinted on Tuesday.
She has been lucky her brother knows so many people she has been able to slip in and be added and fit in to specialists without a problem. Today her community physio was here and she worked hard even with her runny nose and cough.

Dad, your officially a senior citizen now, you can now go for early dinner and get on the ferry cheaper!!! enjoy!

And... apparently when you sign up your kids for sports and check the box that sais your husband will help out if needed, first, don't forget to tell him - oops- and second, expect he will then be the coach -ahhh oops again!! Sorry Stel, but i know you'll be great!


LMK said...

LOL! Poor Stel! Oh well, after 10 years of marriage to you (the man really should be sainted!) he probably expects no less :-)
Enjoy your trip to Disneyland. i will miss you :-( 21 days is too long without my Jennifer...

Anonymous said...

Remind Stel before the trip that Disneyland is the Happiest @#&**( place on earth and he should be good to go.

Baby i needs pink lowery splints, and I know you can make it happen??

jen Stel Sebastian Bentley Isabelle said...

shes getting plain ones this time, but next time we'll try the pretty girly ones!!! we'll post a picture tuesday afternoon

4ever29 said...

Have a fantastic time in Disneyland!!! I am so envious. I crave Disneyland sometimes. Right now when ever the kids ask when we are going back we say when N is 42 inches. They sometimes ask if we can pull out the tape measure to see if she's tall enough yet. I'm surprised they haven't tried stretching her.